A man scared to let others in…
Bishop Rourke’s life changed when his mom abandoned him when he was only five, leaving him with a dad that became indifferent. Believing his role was already determined, Bishop turned to crime at a young age, ironically, a decision that saved him. Bishop knows he got lucky and never looked back, figuring he only had once chance to make it right. When he met Rett, a friendship spanning ten years, the Harts accepted him into the family. Since then, he’s met all but one, their paths never crossing for some reason or another…until now.
A woman that makes a habit of allowing everyone in…
Savanna Hart has spent her life taking care of others. She’s even made a career of it as a high school guidance counselor. Her family has gotten so used to her willingness to help that none of them, including Savanna herself, has stopped to question who she turns to in those times. When she and Bishop are introduced, their lives finally intersecting, Savanna knows she’s met the one person that sees her as more.
Each with their own insecurities…
They easily accept how right being together feels. But emotional scars can leave a shadow on your heart, invisible until you shine a light on it, causing them to reappear at even the happiest of times. The only question is, can their love burn bright enough to wipe it away completely?